Rouse Hill High School Careers

Ms Henson ph 98361890 ext 109
Careers Advisory Service and Careers Reference Centre
The Careers Adviser’s role is to help provide information, options and opportunities to students during their high school years to assist them in developing the skills and knowledge to effectively manage their future career pathways while transitioning into their post-school choices.
Rouse Hill High School has a comprehensive career education service for students and supports the parent community in its delivery.
A careers resources room centrally located in the Library
Individual and group interviews with students and parents as requested
Regular communication of careers information through school newsletters
School to Work and work ready programs
Work Experience for Year 10 students and on request Years 9 and Senior students.
On line career planning and individual student profiles
Excursions to industry, TAFE, universities and expos
Career lessons involving use of career websites, career and transition plans, employability skills and interview techniques activities
Development of students resumes and CV assistance
Assistance with all areas of tertiary applications including university, TAFE and apprenticeships
Assistance with employment opportunities
Establishing links with industry and employers
Developing awareness of WH&S (Work Health and Safety) for work placement activities and facilitating White Card accreditation.
Career Education
Career Education lessons are part of the school curriculum in Year 10. The purpose is to assist students to develop the knowledge, skills, values and attitudes necessary to make informed decisions about school and post-school options. Students’ are provided with supported participation in work experience opportunities and access to outside organisations through guest speakers, career expos, websites and electronic newsletters.
Western Sydney Careers Expo
This annual event allows students access to career information from universities, TAFE colleges, employers, career counsellors, organisations with apprenticeship information, providers of study skills programs, HSC resources and lecture programs, international exchange and gap year programs. There will also be seminars on topics including tertiary courses, employment options, HSC subjects, careers, study skills and gap year advice.
Vocational education and Training (VET)
Vocational education is part of the senior curriculum with students accessing courses from external providers including TAFE and Western Sydney Local Health Districts. (EVET) Students are also able to access school based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT’s). Any students wanting to access these courses are encouraged to speak with the Careers Adviser to obtain the required information for application and enrolment into these courses and programs.