Rouse Hill High School

Dare to excel

Telephone02 9836 1890

Youth Environmental Society (YES)

Rouse HIll HIgh School students handing out trees for Tree Day

On Friday 20 March, the Youth Environmental Society (YES) had the launch of their group for 2020 to coincide with the International Day of Forests. To help celebrate with all students and spread the word about YES, student members handed out 100 free native plants generously donated by the Hills Council. The giveaway was overwhelmingly popular, and the plants were claimed within the blink of an eye! 

The YES group meets every Monday at lunchtime in G Block, and has so far supported the growth of the Return and Earn recycling scheme at Rouse Hill High. YES has some exciting initiatives planned for the future, hopefully including another plant giveaway later in the year!​

Trees donated by Hills Shire Council for students to plant